• For Power Failure Complaints
  • 94987 94987
  • 24 x 7
TNPDCL - Mobile number Registration

TNPDCL-Unsubscribe/Update Email ID

Unsubscribe/Update Email ID

Information to Consumers :

The consumer can be register/update the email id against the service connection number or un-subscribe the email id which is not related him/her Service connection number.

The consumer has to enter service connection number and email id

The email id Register/Update/ -The confirmation link will be sent to the given valid email id.After clicking the confirmation link,OTP will be sent to registered mobile number against the service connection number.On successful submission of OTP,email id will be registered/updated.

The email id un-subscription-The confirmation link will be sent to the given valid email id.After clicking the confirmation link,the consumer has to confirm the un-subscription.The Consumer will not receive unwanted Emails related to that Service connection number in future

Note:To view sample SMS/Bill Receipt/White meter card to enter Service Connection Number Click here